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Table 3 SWOT evaluation of the paradigm for HIA

From: Heritage impact assessment of Adi Ganga Kalighat, Kolkata, India, towards SDG 11.4 and 8.9 for urban heritage



Long-term advancements in evaluations

Adds a new dimension to the assessment and expense;

Enhanced OUV characteristic mitigation

No immediate enhancements in OUV characteristic mitigation

Improved comprehension of significant risks to and determinants of OUV characteristics

Inadequate investigative avenues

Recognizes and takes into account both technical and thematic efficacy

Inability to conduct performance assessments

Improved understanding of the structural components and contradictions

A brief amount of duration

Enhanced clarity regarding the authenticity degree of OUV features;

It might not be suited to scenarios when there is no modification

Enhances the legitimacy of subjective judgments

Effectiveness assessments obtain the inability to capitalize on information and expertise



Enhanced communication among various entities in cultural heritage

Absence of electoral backing from interested parties

Improved comprehension of significant challenges to OUV qualities

Additional economic needs are now impacting expenditures for historical maintenance and safeguarding

Creation of instruction that is more precise and lucid

Absence of agreement on crucial efficacy factors

HIA efficacy is the subject of new study topics

A shortage of funds

The possibility of creating a standardized effect presents for specific modification drivers

Misused visibility to undermine OUV characteristics

Continuous monitoring of universal objectives and operational procedures based on efficiency evaluation expertise

Implementation of a reactionary instead of proactive preservation strategy in the occurrence of paradigm misunderstanding