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Table 2 Biophilic principles and patterns adopted from [28, 39, 40]

From: Biophilic smart cities: the role of nature and technology in enhancing urban resilience

Principles & patterns

Sub-principles (How to achieve it?)

Nature in the Space Patterns

Visual Connection with Nature; Non-Visual- Connection with Nature; Non-Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli; Thermal & Airflow - Variability, Presence of Water, Dynamic & Diffuse Light, Connection with Natural Systems

Natural Analogues Patterns

Biomorphic Forms & Patterns; Material Connection with Nature; Complexity & Order

Nature of the Space Patterns

Prospect; Refuge; Mystery; Risk/Peril.

Visual Connection with nature

Providing different views for natural urban elements.

Non-Visual connection with nature

Enhancing the other senses like hearing, smell and touch in experiencing the urban environment.

Presence of water

Improving the multi-sensory experience with water view and sound.

Connection with natural system

Using nature integration to urbanism in order to enhance ecological functions in the ecosystem.

Natural forms and patterns

Following organic and free forms to enhance biophilic design patterns and avoid using rigid straight forms.

Material connection with nature

Using natural materials to achieve more connection between people and nature.


Using complexity in spatial design to enrich people’s experience and feelings; like what happens in experiencing nature.


Making passable and smooth views while adopting biophilic design.