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Table 1 Summary of pervious major studies (last 5 years) on RM in the construction industry, small projects, and implementation barriers

From: Project risk management in Iranian small construction firms


Research Method

Collins, Parrish and Gibson [8]

A questionnaire survey of 314 experiences based on data collected from 60 projects.

Hamdvand, Eghbali, Kobraieh Abkenar, and Moghamipour [14]

A questionnaire survey based on data collected from local construction contractors of various dimensions in Iran.

Hwang, Zhao, and Toh [16]

A questionnaire survey of 15 consultants and 19 contractors in Singapore based on data collected from 668 projects.

Serpella, Ferrada, Howard, and Rubio [27]

An internet questionnaire of management of companies in Chile.

Choudhry and Iqbal [4]

A questionnaire survey of 80 key participants in Pakistan based on data collected from 4 main centers.

Chileshe and Kikwasi [5]

A questionnaire survey of construction professionals in Tanzania based on data collected from 27 consultants, 24 contractors and 16 client organizations.

Chileshe and Yirenkyi-Fianko [6]

A survey of randomly selected samples yielded responses from 34 contractors, 46 consultants, and 23 clients or owners (private and public) in Ghana.